Convent of the Commonwealth
Founded: 02/15/2010, Boston, MA
Mentor: San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
First Meeting: 08/11/2009
First Manifestation: Get Your Heart On With The Sisters, 02/06/2010 The Ramrod/The Alley Bar-Boston, MA
Requested Mission Status: 07/06/2009
Granted Mission Status: 02/15/2010

Eunice X
Boston SPI Founder
FP: 08/12/2008
Transferred on: 04/17/2009 from San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

KrisTall Mighty
Boston SPI Founder
FP: 02/10/2009
Transferred on: 05/09/2009 from San Francisco Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Boston SPI Founder
Novi: __/__/____

Ima Miracle
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 10/10/2009

Imogen DeMira
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 02/06/2010

Rosetta Stone
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: __/__/____

Busta Knutt
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 10/24/2009

Opheillia Titzoff
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 04/29/2009

Felicia O
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 06/19/2010

Satya Pureheart
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 06/19/2010

Dearest Caught
in the Headlights
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 07/15/2010

Consuela Canswallow
Boston SPI Founder
Novi: 10/11/2009

Bimea Ferrari
Asp: 06/21/2011

Sandra Musique
Asp: 10/03/2010
Post: 01/23/2011
Big Sis: Purell
Big Sis: Imogen DeMira
Novi: 05/17/2011
Elevated to Founder: 06/21/2011

Teresa Solution
Asp: 11/18/2010
AKA: Postulant Lois Carmen Dominator
Post: 02/15/2011
Big Sis: Rosetta Stone
Big Sis: Dearest Caught
Novi: 06/21/2011
Elevated to Founder: 06/21/2011

Klondyke Bar
Asp: 02/15/2011
Post: 05/17/2011
Big Sis: Dearest Caught

Frieda B Fabulus
Post: __/__/____
Novi: 05/22/2012

Gloria LeLuia
Asp: 06/29/2013
Post: 09/17/2013
Big Sis:
Big Sis: Ima Miracle
Novi: 01/21/2014
FP: 07/17/2014

Tori D'Affair
Post: 09/27/2012
Novi: __/__/____
FP: 07/17/2014
Compiled by Sister Titania